Pan Pantziarka

Irene Pantziarka

Natasha Bramble
Natasha Bramble was invited to become a trustee in 2012, primarily to provide financial expertise and advice, and ensure compliance with charity legislation. She is an accountant with many years’ experience in both the private and public sectors. Natasha has been friends with the Pantziarka family for many years, since her youngest son, Max, became great friends with Louis, George’s younger brother, when they met at school

Gillian Winskell

Elizabeth Sam
Elizabeth has been an active trustee since December 2017. She has a law degree and is training to be a solicitor.

Stephanie Phillips
Steph was invited to become a trustee in December 2022 having first made contact with the charity in 2020 when both her daughters were diagnosed with LFS. She works as a Head of HR in the private sector, has a BSc (Hons) in Business Management and is a Fellow of the CIPD. Passionate about patient advocacy and information, she is the Patient and Public Representative for the All Wales Paediatric Cancer Predisposition Clinic.