Home Forums Announcements New LFS leaflet

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    Just a quick post to let you all know that we’ve completely updated our introduction to LFS leaflet. A big thank you to Lara for working on this. While we’ve got the PDF online here:


    Our plan is to send printed copies of this to all of the NHS Genetic Testing centres so that it’s on hand for when people first get diagnosed.


    Great job on the new leaflet Pan, very clear, concise and still comprehensive enough to give people a good start on understanding LFS and its implications.



    That’s great – well done for putting that together Pan. Although I would say that the testing is not quite as simple as this – 2 years since I first saw a gp about the potential and still we are only marginally further forward. They still have not carried out the test as the geneticist is reluctant- says it can open a can of worms for all the extended family. It goes on.

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